This Summer (June 15-20) Is Going To Be The Best! - REGISTER BELOW
At Centrifuge, students are divided into groups for recreation and Bible study based on age ranges by grade completed. Recreation is facilitated within Bible study groups by a member of the trained FUGE camp staff, who also leads the Bible study. Each activity serves a specific purpose and is debriefed so students can make application in their lives.

Students also participate in Track Times. Track Times are created to give students the opportunity to participate in something with which they are familiar, or try something new! Students are divided into “tracks” based on a list of activities they indicate during the registration process. They offer creative, active, performance, and classroom-based activities during these times, and each track is led by a member of the FUGE staff.
Dates: June 15-20
Cost: $400
Where: Union University
To Register: $100 due ASAP
Who Can Go?: Any current 7th-12th grader
Transportation: Taking a bus to Jackson, TN
Camp Speaker: TBA
Camp Worship Leader: TBA
About Union University
Union University is located in Jackson, TN and has been home to Centrifuge since 1987. There are more than 40 major buildings and excellent athletic facilities on campus enabling us to provide a variety of programming options for camp.
Most of Union’s housing was constructed in 2008 in apartment-style buildings with private bedrooms for each student and 1-2 bathrooms per apartment. Each apartment also has a kitchen and shared living room space. In addition, Union offers great meeting facilities, on-site medical clinic, snack shop/coffee bar, LifeWay Bookstore, gymnasium and plenty of outdoor recreation space.
Camp Schedule
CAMP SCHEDULE - Subject to Change
Opening Day
1:00 – 4:00 PM Registration
5:00 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Opening Celebration
7:30 PM Students: Bible Study Groups / Adults: Adult Gathering
8:30 PM Church Group Rally
8:45 PM Church Group Devotion
10:00 PM Hang Time
11:00 PM In Rooms
11:30 PM Lights Out
Full Days of Camp
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Morning Celebration
8:45 AM Recreation
10:15 AM Students: Quiet Time/Bible Study / Adults: Adult Gathering
12:00 PM Lunch
1:10 PM Track Rally
1:20 PM Track A
2:20 PM Track Rally
2:30 PM Track B
3:20 PM Hang Time
5:00 PM Dinner
6:30 PM Worship
8:00 PM Church Group Time
9:45 PM Night Life
10:15 PM Hang Time
11:00 PM In Rooms
11:30 PM Lights Out
Closing Day
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Students: Quiet Time/Bible Study / Adults: Adult Gathering
9:45 AM Closing Celebration
10:45 AM Churches Depart