Our youth group is open to all Junior High and High School students… we also realize that we have churches in our area who may not have their own youth groups… no pressure to join our church… you are welcome!
2019-20 Event Calendar for Vertical Youth
Each Wednesday
5:30 supper, sports and hangout
6:00 service (games, worship and more). 7-12th grades worship together and then split into 7-9/10-12th grades for games and learning opportunities.
Events (more coming)
August 1 – Pool Party at the Hand’s (6pm)
August 5 – Bowling at Circle Bowl in Baton Rouge – Sign Up Here (bring $5 for bowling and fast food money)
September 13th – 5th Quarter (After Silliman HS Game until Midnight)
September 20th – 5th Quarter (After Silliman HS Game until Midnight)
October 4 – 5th Quarter (After Silliman HS Game until Midnight)
October 13 - Bayou Youth Rally at Istrouma
October 18 – 5th Quarter (After Silliman HS Game until Midnight)
November 24-25 – Youth Evangelism Conference – Register Here ($95 payable through registration link – more info: http://labaptistyouth.com/yec/)
Tim Tebow Foundation’s Night to Shine – TBA
June 15-20 – 2019 Summer Camp – Jackson, TN – https://www.fugecamps.com/